{"version":3,"file":"js/4388-b4e4bf1ccfb1ccefc09d.js","mappings":"0+9BAuBaA,EAAO,IAAIC,EAAAA,GAAKC,E","sources":["webpack://uk-b2c/./app/javascript/src/i18n.ts"],"sourcesContent":["import { I18n } from \"i18n-js\";\n\n/**\n * Note: locales.json is an automatically built from config/locales/en.yml\n *\n * DO NOT MANUALLY EDIT IT.\n *\n * Any changes after a rebuild must be committed to the repository. If you see\n * any local changes, but haven't done anything to en.yml - someone may have\n * forgotten to commit it.\n *\n * It gets rebuilt when:\n * - You run `bin/dev` locally - Rails watches it and rebuilds on any change.\n * - You run `bundle exec rails assets:precompile`\n * - You manually run `bundle exec i18n export`\n *\n * See also:\n * - https://github.com/fnando/i18n-js - Ruby gem doing the export.\n * - https://github.com/fnando/i18n - Javascript I18n library providing\n * similar translation/localisation interface like Ruby I18n.\n */\nimport translations from \"./locales.json\";\n\nexport const i18n = new I18n(translations);\n"],"names":["i18n","I18n","translations"],"sourceRoot":""}